There are more than 23 types of good bacterial strains.
The popular strain is the lactobacillus which has 15 substrains. Some of these probiotics include lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus kefiri, leuconostoc streptococcus thermo-philus, lactococcus and bifidus.
All of these help in warding off bad bacteria and maintaining a healthy immune system. Aside from a probiotic supplement, yogurt, kefir, miso, fermented cabbage, buttermilk, and Brewer’s yeast all contain healthy bacteria.
A probiotic supplement has many benefits aside from maintaining a healthy immune system and digestive tract. It lowers bad cholesterol and blood pressure, treats lactose intolerance, absorbs nutrients from food, and prevents colon cancer and other types of tumors.
It also relieves diarrhea, normalizes bowel movements and prevents chronic colitis and intestinal cramps.
The body is always prone to acquiring bad bacteria in the intestines. This is due to the consumption of foods that are dirty and unhealthy and habits that are not hygienic.
This then results to acquiring various types of diseases that are spread to the other organs. Everything actually starts with the food ingested.
It is necessary however to take prebiotics first prior to taking a probiotic supplement. Prebiotics are the food that probiotics feed on in order to grow and increase in amount.
Prebiotics are not living organisms but they are non-digestible substance and carbohydrates found in wheat, oats, honey, bananas, tomatoes, goat’s milk and breast milk.
That is why babies and toddlers are advised to be breastfed so that they can get all the good bacteria to ward off sicknesses such as colic, diarrhea and other indigestion problems.
Good bacteria are sometimes killed when antibiotics are consumed therefore it is necessary to replace them with new ones every now and then.
When taking prebiotics and probiotics in their capsulated or liquid form, they must be taken thirty minutes before mealtime so that the good bacteria will be present and ready to ward off any bad bacteria from the food coming in.
Taking these supplements is a way of reinforcing and strengthening the healthy microorganisms inside the intestines in preparation of a possible bad bacteria invasion.
To enjoy a healthier lifestyle, take prebiotics to strengthen and increase the good bacteria present in the body followed by a probiotic supplement to add more healthy microorganisms in the digestive system.